Tuesday, October 03, 2006

We Don't Torture, We're a Civilized Nation

Shed a tear for the ideal that America stands for freedom and justice, it's now officially dead.
I've always had my issues with my country of birth, but there was always that fundamental good principle behind it. Now, though, it's been compromised beyond any hope of regaining my trust. When a government can betray the very founding principles of democracy and the country itself in pursuit of a bullshit "war" on a tactic, and the so-called opposition party let them get away with it, something is horribly, horribly wrong. The US governmental system has failed me, the American people, and the world. All my talk of not wanting to be identified as an American is coming back, and I mean it now. I refuse to be aligned with with a nation that condones torture.

I'm a couple days late, but this is still the biggest political miscarriage I've seen in my short history of observing politics, so there you go.


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