Wednesday, August 29, 2007


So hey, I'm back. I kinda let this die, I know, but I was bored and unmotivated, plus all I would have written was more music reviews, which is fun but ultimately not all that useful. I did see some great shows in the meantime, but oh well. Regardless, the time for updates has come again. That's because, as I'm sure you know if you're bothering to read my blog, I'm going to Brazil in a few short days. I intend to do exactly what I did in Ghana - write updates on my status and amusing/noteworthy events. Before that, I've got a review of the festival I attended this week in the works, complete with snarky remarks about the organisation and unbridled Sonic Youth fanboyism. It'll be fun for everyone involved (by which I mean me).

I've changed the name of the blog because I was bored, and the tagline because the last one was cheesy. I probably won't change much else, since I've got other things to do. Anyway, just enjoy the return of activity.